Thursday, December 25, 2008

8 Positive Aspects of Breaking One's Foot

Positive aspects of a broken foot and wearing a large Velcro boot up to your knee (for 2 1/2 more weeks):

1.) Saving Money: haven't really been racking up a bar tab these days (could fall in boot, would then have possibility of two boots- one on each foot!)
2.) Ease of Picking AM Outfits: choices are A.) a dress with tights B.) skirt with tights.. and that is about it.
3.) Lowers Odds of Future Catastrophes: because I don't go out dancing, can't wear heels, and don't go out much... I have lowered my odds for an additional disaster
4.) Preserves Heel Life: my beautiful heels have not taken the winter beating of the ice and snow. They have also been spared six weeks of dancing, wear, and tear.
5.) Laughter: the broken foot provides humor for friends, family, and myself (such as when I look down and see the atrocious footwear paired with a Tory Burch flat).
6.) Pity: People feel sorry for me. They tend to stop a lot more and allow me to hobble across the street.
7.) Conversation: Boot allows me to think up outlandish stories re: how I broke my foot.
8.) TIME: I only have to wear the thing for 2 1/2 more weeks... then, the countdown and re-start of my social life will commence!

Joyeux Noel!

Merry Christmas!